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Why Hemp Won

July 12, 2021 3 min read

Why Hemp Won - Hoop Empire

Hoops to Hemp and Why Hemp Won. 

As a passionate creator, I have always loved to up my game in all that I do.

When I started hooping in 1994, little did I know that performing in nightclubs and festivals would create a career in hoop biz - performing, teaching, making hoops and designing all things hoopy, including costumes and hoop clothes.

Costumes are a no-brainer - for hoop performers, it’s all about the bling.  

But when it comes to casual hooping, training or simply moving through life, the bling does not always win. Most days, I want to feel fabulous and comfortable, don’t you? 

I’ve been designing and making my own costumes for as long as I’ve been hooping. I’ve also collaborated with many wonderful costume makers who’ve taken my designs to the next level and beyond. Back in the day, spandex reigned supreme, sometimes even leather. Mostly it was epic but there were moments - oh my stars! Girl’s gotta breathe.  

When my hoop journey expanded into making hoop wear, a dilemma arose between super-shiny fun fabrics and a growing love for comfy natural fibres.

As much as I adore bling, when I consider the impact microplastic fabrics have on the ocean each time they are washed or made, not to mention their destiny as landfill, my true north disappears. I feel lost, blocked and like I betray Mother Nature.

So I made a deal with myself...

Upcycle all that remnant synthetic fabric I’ve collected along the way into sturdy accessories that don’t need to go through the wash or waterways - hello wearable pocket bags - and, in crafting clothes to move and groove in, natural fibres only.

Yes mamma! Nature has such a beautiful way of working with you when you tune in.

To be honest, it wasn’t a hard deal to make. The feel, fit and breathability of natural fibres are divine. Also, they do not wreak havoc with my sewing machines or sewing process - plastic is challenging to sew! On top of all of this, I could hear Mother Earth breathe a big sigh of relief. 

You could say, nature gifted me the answer to my sewing dreams while saving me, and the planet, a whole lot of torment. 

Deciding on which natural fabric was a journey in itself over several years. Research and development is an essential part of all product creation and, am I glad that I took the time to test it all out because, like most things in life, ‘natural fabrics’ are not always as they seem.

Ultimately, hands down, hemp won. 

I’ve added links below to essential information about hemp, natural fabrics and the hoop life.

If you’re ready to get your hemp on, check out my range of leggings. They are as organic as it gets and I sew a whole lot of love into everything I make here in Sydney in my boutique studio under the label, B*Wear.

Thank you for joining me on this creative adventure and I hope you are enjoying your own hoop journey, wherever you may be. Drop me a line if you feel like sharing what’s rocking your hoop wardrobe or simply to say hi, I’d love to hear from you.

B*Star, July 2021  

How Sustainable is Hemp Fabric?

Hemp Facts

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