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About Bunny Hoop Star

Bunny StarHello! I am Bunny Hoop Star, aka Bee Star. I am the founding Owner and Creative Director of Hoop Empire - Australia's first hula hoop business. We've been spinning the hoop fun in Australia and across the world since 2005. My love of the hoop comes from wanting to stay active and centred in my body in a fun and playful way. I offer live and online classes, a broad range of hula hoops and a growing range of wearables. I also love to create fun and interactive movement spaces at events (see video below). 

My teaching credits include Hoop Camp California, Spin Matsuri Japan, Sacred Circularities Bali, Hoopy Happenings Australia, New Zealand HoopFest and Illuminate Festival New Zealand. My training includes Circus hoop technique, Contemporary Hoop Dance and Yoga.

I am a certified Yoga Synergy Instructor, specialising in a Qigong style movements that calm and revitalise the body and mind in gentle and accessible ways.

You can read more about my personal hoop story below.

Find me on Instagram here | Hoop Empire here | Vimeo videos here 

Kooky Hoop Den Sydney from Bunny B. Star on Vimeo.



I’m Bunny B. Hoop Star ~ my friends call me Bee.

I am a gender-fluid creatrix who works with hula hoops, fashion and photography. 

When I’m not hooping or creating, I’m swimming in the ocean, gardening, dancing, drawing, dreaming and listening to music. I love to read and I adore animals. 

My work over the past two decades has focused on bringing hoop love and joy to both adults and kids. During this time I have created a wide range of hula hoops and hooping experiences.

I have taught hundreds of live classes for both children and adults; I have also performed extensively at corporate, community, and social events; and facilitated live and online specialty workshops for community organisations.

Where I've taught hula hooping:

  • Sydney Community College Adult Hula Hoop Classes 2005-2020 (photo)
  • Sydney After School Care Kids Hula Hoop Classes 2005-2020 (video)
  • Hoop Camp California 2009
  • Spin Matsuri Japan 2009
  • Hoopy Happenings Australia 2010/11/12
  • Sacred Circularities Bali 2012
  • HoopFest New Zealand 2013
  • Illuminate Festival New Zealand 2013
  • Fun Park at Sydney Festival - live and online 2014-2021 (video)
  • Australia National University - live digital hoop workshop 2015-2017 (video)
  • Outback Arts Hoop Tour - live hoop workshops 2020 (photo)
  • Art Gallery South Australia - live digital hoop workshop 2022 (video | flyer)
  • University of Sydney Kids Sports Camp - live hoop workshops 2015 - current (photo)

What I love about hooping

My passion for hula hooping, movement and creativity is a long term commitment. I love the childlike playfulness and joy that hoops invoke in people of all ages.

Hula hooping invites people to move their bodies and minds, and to stay fit in a way that few exercise programs do. Simply put, hoops are FUN and hard to resist. 

I also love popping a bit of tech into the hoop. For the past decade we've been developing and manufacturing LED light hoops and working on interactive digital hoop programs that involve motion capture, coding and projection of visual art. (video)

'Hoop tech' is fascinating and continues to evolve as each informs, and inspires, the other. 


How did my hoop life begin?

I discovered the hoop on a dance floor in Melbourne, Australia in 1994. It was love at first sight. A friend gifted me a hoop for Christmas and the rest is, as they say, herstory.

In the ‘90s my career path was on track to write and photograph. I was navigating my way around the freelance media arts while completing my Bachelor of Arts. I trained to be a photographer and wrote feature articles and astrology columns for magazines, newspapers and digital WAP portals (early mobile internet). 

Meanwhile, the hoop kept luring me in with an invitation to perform here and a request for a custom made hoop there. Also - people wanted to learn how to hulahoop. 

Eventually, I gave in to the calling and took the full time leap into the hoop. I founded Hoop Empire in 2005. Between 2005-2013, life became full on hoopy - making, teaching and performing, along with building my website.

For a good 8 years, I was spinning at maximum capacity and living for it! It was a dream come true.

But, all good things must come to an end… or do they?

The Hoop Crash of 2013

On New Year’s Eve of 2013, I had what you might call a major crash - I was struck by a firework while performing onstage in the middle of Sydney Harbour. Yikes!

I shall spare you the awful details but, needless to say, the recovery process was intense, painful and lengthy. At the time I had 2 years of bookings in advance to fill, which I gave to my team of trainees.

My peak in hoop star whirld had well and truly been hit.



From 2014-2017 I continued to manage Hoop Empire while in recovery. Having studied and practised yoga for several decades, my healing process necessarily involved diving deeper into my movement and meditation practice. 

In 2017 I successfully completed a yoga teacher training in India and received a 200HR YTT Certificate with Yoga Synergy Australia. 

I returned to teaching and performing hoops in 2017 at about a tenth of my previous capacity. Living with chronic pain and PTSD took its toll in a way that challenged me to look beyond the hoop while still very much loving what it had to offer. 


Between 2020-2022, I continued to cultivate my passion for movement, art and creativity both online and IRL, despite living through some of the greatest challenges of my life. The pandemic had hit, classes were cancelled, my father was passing away, one of my fur babies died (only a few years after the other) and the world was in chaos.

Online portals became an avenue to drive my focus, creative therapy and meditation. I enrolled in online meditation retreats, business coaching, fashion design and sewing courses. I also focused on building my online hula hoop courses.

Ultimately, I came to realise my capacity to thrive in the face of hardship as a way to stay on track, at all costs. The creative force within kept propelling me forward with one project after another. Hoops one day, costumes the next, photoshoots, video shoots, workshops, websites... Must. Keep. Creating. It never stops. 

The life of a Creatrix

Which brings me to where I am now - still living for and loving the hoop; developing my skills and inspiration through fashion design and creative production; continuing to photograph and write; watching those cosmic wheels turn as they do; and, feeding my passion to learn and keep on learning for the rest of my life. 


I hope you have enjoyed my hoop story. I look forward to hearing yours.

If you would like to touch base with me, you can connect with me at any of my online portals listed below 

Thanks for reading and hoopy hugs to you!


B. Star*

Fashion | Photography | Video Art | Hoop Whirld 


Bunny B. Star is the founding Owner and Director of Australia’s first hula hoop business, Hoop Empire. With a Bachelor of Arts in Writing and History, along with extensive training in yoga and photography, Bunny’s hooping career began in 2005 with the intention to explore the hoop as a creative practice. She has since hoop danced her way around Australia and the world performing shows, teaching classes, facilitating at community events, creating kids performance art programs, manufacturing hula hoops, designing and making hoop wear and producing online content. She is now focused on developing her fashion label while continuing to keep the hoop love alive through the Hoop Flow School of Movement and Hoop Empire. She lives in Sydney with her partner, Nick and their fur baby, Alfred.