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2018 Rainbow Unicorn Competition is NOW ON!

September 06, 2018 2 min read

2018 Rainbow Unicorn Competition is NOW ON! - Hoop Empire


Spinning since August 2017, the Unicorn is out of the bag, rainbows and all.

Since launching our new smart hoop the Hoop Empire posse have discovered all the superpowers of this magical Unicorn’s Rainbow.

With 300 settings to choose from it’s safe to say our obsession and intrigue with this beauty has grown. We love everything about these 300 unique colours and patterns, which is why we’re so buzzed to invite you to get your Unicorn super powers ON!

Our 2018 Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop Competition is now ON!

When we released the Rainbow Unicorn in 2017 we invited you to capture and post your best Rainbow Unicorn LOOK. Tough competition. Colour and style games were strong.

Rainbow Unicorn LED Hula Hoop Competition 2017

We were blown away by how freakn super creative the entries were and gave away more LED hoops than we had first planned.

This year we want you to explore ALL the superpowers of the Rainbow Unicorn. With 300 settings to spin with, we’ve discovered some pretty cool colour and pattern combinations and we’re confident you have too.


First Category - Rainbow Unicorn Trailblazers

Our first category is open to you if you are already spinning the Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is:

  1. Tell us what you love about your Rainbow Unicorn hoophere - you don’t have to sign up, simply write a review and give a rating.

  2. Photograph or film yourself spinning your favourite setting other than a Rainbow and post it on Instagram + Facebook! 

  3. Tag your insta post @hoopempire #RainbowUnicornLEDHoop #FavouriteColours #UnicornLife #Category1

Second Category - Unicorn in Waiting

If youdo not currently own a Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop but you would like to, here’s your chance to WIN ONE!

Imagine one day you wake up and you have become... A COLOUR!

How far can you take the colour that is you? Wear it to the max in as many shades as you like! DO YOU as colour ;)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is:

  1. Choose your colour!

  2. Photograph or film yourself embodying this colour and post it on Instagram + Facebook! 

  3. Tag your insta post @hoopempire #RainbowUnicornLEDHoop #FavouriteColours #UnicornLife #Category2

Unicorn Super Powers activate! HAVE FUN!

    The Grand Prize is a Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop in the LED count of your choice.
    We're giving away two LED hoops ~ one for each category :) 

    Competition closes Sunday 16 September. Winners announced Monday 17 September.

    Beep beep! - By entering this competition you agree to Hoop Empire reposting your content on Instagram and Facebook.